Loan info is received prior to receipt of Rollover Form:

1.    Save docs to: CapOperations/Rollovers/SmileDoctors Rollovers

            a. Save Loan Details as "PlanIDLastNameLast4SSNDate-LoanInfoUnconfirmed," e.g.                                                                         SmDocSmDocSmith1234050421-LoanInfoUnconfirmed

            b. Save Letter of Authorization as "PlanIDLastNameLast4SSNDate-LoanRolloverAuthorization," e.g.                                                 SmDocSmDocSmith1234050421-LoanRolloverAuthorization

2.     Once Rollover Form is submitted, PlanOps will confirm details with prior provider and save "PlanIDLastNameLast4SSN-           LoanInfoConfirmed" (Delete unconfirmed if details changed or rename to "Confirmed" if nothing has changed)

Rollover form is received prior to receipt of Loan Info:

1.     Request loan details and Letter of Authorization from Plan Sponsor/Prior Provider to request details

2.     Save Loan Details as "PlanIDLastNameLast4SSNDate-LoanInfoConfirmed," e.g. SmDocSmDocSmith123405042021-                   LoanInfoConfirmed

3.     Save Letter of Authorization as "PlanIDLastNameLast4SSNDate-LoanRolloverAuthorization," e.g.                                                 SmDocSmDocSmith1234050421-LoanRolloverAuthorization


Note: Ideally, the following information has been received prior to receipt of rollover forms for a new acquisition:*

1) Census for all participants

2) Details for all loans from prior provider

3) Blanket letter of authorization to allow loans

* 2 and 3 most critical