Plan Source Sites



Creating a new MEP Site

  • From Base Site
    1. Right click three dots
      • Copy -> OK
        • Click “Content” as the location
        • Un-check Relate to Original
        • Keep Include descendants checked
        • Click Copy
    2. Rename Base Site (1) to your MEP/PEP Name
    3. Make sure subpages are in the proper order. If not, right click main page and select sort. Order should be as follows:

  • On new Site
    1. Right click three dots
  • Update emails
    1. On Main site tab
      • Email settings
        • Multiple emails can be used by separating with a comma and a space
        • Update email subject to include "MEP Name Marketing Site"
  • Colors and Logos
    1. Add relevant advisor and MEP logos to the main logos subfolder
    2. On Main site tab, left click
      • Scroll to Main Color
        • Use dropper to find HEX codes that match PEO/Association
      • Use Logo files that fit the following conditions
        • Add company logos to the general logos subfolder
        • General 140px X 130px
        • Use .png files, transparent background
  • Our Experts Page
    1. Replace advisor logos with appropriate advisor
    2. Replace sponsor logos
  • Search for references of plan, advisor, and MEP structure (PEO vs Association)
    1. Key areas include FAQs and Plan Providers


    1. Under Media create a subfolder under the new site titled PDFs
      • Drop all plan-specific PDFs in this directory
    2. Under Learn More drop section-specific PDFs in each of the 4 file locations
      • Delete existing files before dropping new plan-specific files
    3. Reference the Media Adding Process.pdf from Station4 while working in this area.
    4. Under second CTA next to brochure, link to the corporate adopter fund menu

  • When you are ready to Publish, select Main page tab then click publish with descendants and check include unpublished content items
  • AFTER PUBLISHING - Fix 404 Link
    1. Right click main site tab
      • Then click 404 page
        • Umbraco will prompt you to select a page. Select the 404 subpage (child page)
    2. Add new URL to PC Database Wizard location. Use full URL.