Prior to creating a new Marketing site for a MEP or PEP, you will need to prepare various Crystal Reports. You will need to collect all sponsor colors and logos prior to creating the marketing site. If the advisory relationship is new, you will also need to collect an advisor logo.
Save all logos here: F:\Home\logos
.png files work best. If you receive .jpg files with white backgrounds, use Snagit Editor to replace the background with no fill, then save as a .png.
We must update 2 logo crystal reports prior to running any materials. Use the following steps to add your plan sponsor/administrator logo file:
not ({CoAdoptPlan.PlanIdRelius} like 'MEPExmpl*')
Hit ok and Save and Close when prompted. Save the Logo Crystal Report (this will take awhile to save), then repeat for the second logo report.
Your working directory for flyer creation is: R:\CAPITALOperations\Communications\PlanSource
Each subfolder is saved by PlanNumID. This can be found in PC or in the daily plan export txt file. Create a new subfolder with your plan's PlanNumID including the comma. Open the PLAN SOURCE LIST word doc and create a new row with your plan. Please note this is the master copy of the list of Microsite plans; please do not copy this file into other directories. We will add a crystal report subsection later in the procedures.
Copy in the below 2 files into your new subfolder.
Use your newly copied Fee Calculator spreadsheet to calculate the fees applicable to prospective adopters. If you are unsure, please schedule a meeting with the plan's Account Manager and the Client Services Manager to confirm fee structure. Save the calculated fees in your copied file within the plan's subfolder.
There are 4 core crystal reports to generate flyers for MEPs, and 4 PEP-versions of the same reports
Prior to running any reports, we need to update the "Your401kMadeEasy" report with a plan fee table.
- Open the Flyers-Your401kMadeEasy.rpt
- Insert a section below the bottom-most plan fee table (newest microsite added)
- Document your new header section letters in the PLAN SOURCE LIST.docx. E.g. ChemNut
- Document your new header section letters in the PLAN SOURCE LIST.docx. E.g. ChemNut
- Open the Section Expert of your newly created header section. Open the Suppression Logic icon
- Input the below coding where the PlanNumID of your MEP or PEP replaces 2585 and the common name of the plan replaces Chem Nut
{?FlyerName}<>'Plan Summary' or {Plan.PlanNumId}<>2585
// Chem Nut
Copy a prior plan's Fee Grid and paste it into your new header section. Be sure to adjust the size of your section first. Please note we must calculate and report all fees that are not paid by the plan sponsor/MEP. This can include, but is not limited to, BlueStar Fees, MEP/Plan Administrator PERA fees, Custodial Fees, Advisor Fees, 3(16) administrator fees. You will likely have to be creative with reporting in your grid. I.e. it is unlikely that a prior fee grid will match your plan's fee structure exactly. Keep in mind fee tiers between BlueStar and the Advisor. You may have to compare and consolidate fee tiers based on the plan's assets and the room your have for your Plan Summary/Fee Grid.
Save the crystal report (this will take awhile) before printing flyers or running JeffNet.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that a Lead Plan Sales contact is established in PC1. This name, email, and phone number pulls into the below crystal reports as contact info for the MEP.
You are now ready to create your flyers. As of this writing, PEP flyers must be created individually through Crystal by printing to PDF. MEP flyers can be created in batches via JeffNet jobs:
Where prompted, enter the PlanNumID of your MEP, then run the job. Files will output in your working PlanNumID subfolder
Be sure to open each flyer after all 4 jobs have run. We want to ensure the logos pull in and size appropriately, and that there are no extra pages created with Crystal spacing issues. Delete any extra pages and correct logos as appropriate.
Ensure you have access to our Umbraco Microsite Hub:
Navigate to the Media tab, then create a subfolder for your new plan site. Create another subfolder within that plan file and label it PDFs, then upload your recently created flyers to this directory.
Continue to the site creation solution for next steps.