Any of these steps “could” fail for a variety of reasons – ie; user loses connection to the server, the server loses connection to the database, Relius is unable to be reached, the e-mail server is down, etc. Included are the various error codes that are currently shown to the user when an error happens. 


  1. These steps are only taken if they are appropriate under the circumstances.
  2. The user sees a success message if no error code is generated.
  3. Any step that succeeds is not reversible – ie; if Save Beneficiaries succeeds, we can assume that Contributions have successfully been saved. Even if Investments fails, Contributions and Beneficiaries have already been saved. This applies for both in transactions to Relius and to the BlueStar DB.
  4. Individual Pages are similar, except only save their corresponding data and does not perform a data sync.
  5. If any of the Relius steps do NOT give us a success JobStatusCD (ie; Job Agent is down and is not processing transactions) then it currently behaves as though there is an error.

Quick Enrollment Confirmation Submission Steps:

1) Saving Data

a. Save Data to Relius

i. Save Contributions (Error Code: RLEQEC)

ii. Save Beneficiaries (Error Code: RLEQEB)

iii. Save Investments (Error Code: RLEQEI)

iv. Save Profile (Error Code: RLEQEP)

b. Save Data in BlueStar

i. Save PartAutoEnroll (Error Code: BSEQEAE)

ii. Save PartContributionRate (Error Code: BSEQECR)

iii. Save PartAutoEscalate (Error Code: BSEQEAS)

iv. Save Beneficiaries (Error Code: BSEQEBF)

v. Save PartAdoptCompany (Error Code: BSEQEPA)

2) Data Sync

a. Profile and Adoption Data (Error Code: BSEQESP)

b. Fund Balances and Allocations (Error Code: BSEQESF)

3) E-mail (Error Code: BSEQESE)

Guide Me Confirmation Submission Steps:

1) Saving Data

a. Save Data to Relius

i. Save Contributions (Error Code: RLEGMC)

ii. Save Investments (Error Code: RLEGMI)

iii. Send Rebalance Request (Error Code: RLEGMR)

iv. Save Profile (Error Code: RLEGMP)

b. Save Data in BlueStar

i. Save PartAutoEnroll (Error Code: BSEGMAE)

ii. Save PartContributionRate (Error Code: BSEGMCR)

iii. Save PartAutoEscalate (Error Code: BSEGMPA)

iv. Save PartRetireScenario (Error Code: BSEGMRS)

c. Data Sync

i. Profile and Adoption Data (Error Code: BSEGMSP)

ii. Fund Balances and Allocations (Error Code: BSEGMsF)

d. E-mail (Error Code: BSEGMSE)