



Custodian Contacts:




Schwab Information Available:

  • Reports/Statements:  Trust Reports, Fee Disclosures/Revenue Sharing Payouts, 
  • Investment research:  
    • Investment Overview
      • Research for what options are available
      • Any restrictions
      • Expense ratio
    • Allows us to attach new investments to plans when we are doing mappings
  • Reports/Statements
    • Trust Statements - can only pull one plan at a time
      • Excel - cash inflows and outflows; trades pending
      • PDF
    • Shareholder Servicing Fees 
    • 5500 Schedule C
  • Operations
    • Incoming Cash:  incoming deposits into plan, can click on deposit to see check details
      • Allocated and Unallocated - unallocated shows up on trust statement as "Miscellaneous"; we update unallocated in a monthly process so that ideally all incoming deposits are properly classified
      • Check Copies - you can click on link and download a copy
    • Distributions/Payment Status: Can check status of any disbursement (distribution, loans, fee payment)
      • Filter by Payee
      • Payee is who actually receives $ 
        • Go to Relius Relius Contact Management and pull up advisor/service provider
        • Then go to Payee Information tab (and notes) to see who we actually pay for that firm (often broker dealer)
      • Fee payments are sent separately for each plan 
    • Distributions/Tax Form:  Can pay 1099s per person one at a time
  • Administration/Manage External Bank Account - We set up ACHs for plans
    • Add New bank accounts
    • Change status
  • Products & Resources:  Forms and Document Center
    • Contribution and Notice of Deposit Form
    • ACH Pull Authorization Form
    • PCRA Forms

Matrix Information Available:

  • Files & Statements/Statements & Reports:  
    • Trust Statement tab
    • Revenue Share Reports
  • Cashiering: 
    • Notify of Deposit:  submit notice of deposit of expected deposit
    • Request ACH Pull/Manage Payees - we do NOT set up ACHs with Matrix; 
    • Distributions
    • Search Transactions: Records of all incoming and outgoing cash flows including fee payments (except for fee journal sweeps)
      • Portfolio = Matrix Trust Account Number (see PC Plans/Trust Account Number)
      • Quarterly Fee Processing:  
        • Fees swept from plan accounts to BlueStar fee account (as a fee journal); 
        • payments to providers would be paid under portfolio BSRFEE; 
        • Fees for a service provider are wrapped up to a single payment - i.e there is one payment not a payment per plan
  • Forms

MidAtlantic Trust Information Available:

  • Cashiering
    • Check Image download - cashed check copies
    • Uncashed Checks - checks issued but not cashed
      • Distribution Details: distribution details and 1099R
      • MATC does escheat after a period of time
    • BIN # = BRS codes (see PlanConnect/Plans/Acct Num)
  • Tax Reporting
    • Reportable Distributions:  can see all taxable distributions; can download 1099
    • Download 1099s - spreadsheet info
  • ACH Information is sent to MATC via form (not input on the web)
  • Research - get information on all funds
  • Trading
    • Order blotter - info about trades that are in process
  • Online Reports/Cash Activity (on dashboard, click on plan name to get cash activity option):  all incoming and outgoing $ in plan