The first step for any contribution is to request the allocation and calculation from the appropriate party (typically the TPA or administrator.  Once you have the allocation, then you are ready for the $ to be funded and invested.  To do that, submit a Trade Request activity in PC as follows:

  1. In PC, go to Tasks/Trading/DepWDDetail
  2. Click Add New Item
  3. Select your plan and (as appropriate) company
  4. Administrator:  Do NOT assign.  DMC will assign when work has started
  5. Category:  Select the category appropriate to your request. Common categories would include:
    1. True Up
    2. Year End Contribution
    3. Lost Earnings
    4. QNEC/QMAC (Used for missed deferral opportunities)
  6. Sub Category:  RK Trade Request
  7. Effective Date:  This is often the last day of the applicable plan year if a year end contribution or true up.  If it is a missed deferral opportunity or late payroll, it would typically be the payroll effective date.  Most important - be sure to pick an effective date in the appropriate plan year
  8. Request Date:  Today
  9. Sources:  Enter the total dollar amount for the applicable sources
    1. QNEC - Corrections related to deferrals
    2. QMAC - Corrections related to match $
    3. Other - can be used for gain/loss (lost earnings)
  10. Comments:  Be sure to add the following items in the comments
    1. Your Name as the requestor in case DMC has any questions
    2. The file location for the allocation file; be sure your request and the allocation file make sense together
    3. Information about how the $ is coming in - ACH Pull; wire from client, etc.
      1. If ACH Pull - be sure to be specific about how much $ to pull.  If there is $ coming from forfeitures, your request might look like:  "Pull $2500 via ACH Pull. Forfs used for remaining $500"
      2. If ACH Pull and client has multiple ACHs, under Wizard/Plans/ACH Setup, be sure to specify what $ comes from what account