• Request the account manager and TPA lead administrator:
      1. For the account manager assignment, check if the advisor already has plans with Ameritas BlueStar by going to Service Providers in Plan Connect, enter the company and see what plans are listed, then go into the plan contacts screen for any active plans to see who has been assgined for the account manager. If the advisor is new to Ameritas BlueStar, email Stephen Quinn letting him know the total balance in the plan, the # of participants, and if it is an RK only plan. He will email you with the assignment.
      2. For the TPA lead adminstrator, email Nana Adwowa Waters to request the assignment with the below


        Plan  Name

        Effective Date


        Safe Harbor (Y/N)

        Eligible Ees



      3. For the RK Lead Payroll, you can leave it as is on plan connect.

      • Salesforce: Under Sales Implementation, update the NB Status to Closed Won – Complete. At the top of screen, under Details, update the Stage from New Business to Closed Won.
      • Update plan contacts in plan connect for the account manager and plan admin:

      • To Create BlueStar Plan Contact List:
        1. Go to Crystal Reports
          • To locate the Crystal Report – Open File then go to R:\CAPITALForms&Templates\ReliusReportsCustom\ClientServices-BlueStarPlanContactList.
        2. Select View/Print Preview from View menu and enter the Plan Name listed in Plan Connect. All other fields can remain the same except Enter Test. Set that to False. Then click OK to generate the report
        3. File >Print to PDF with the plan name at the end and save in the client’s main Plan Setup folder.
      • Plan handoff email to Plan Sponsor:
        1. Copy the Account Manager, Advisor, RVP/Relationship Manager (if applicable), and Nana Adwowa Waters
        2. Include Contacts report from Crystal Reports
  • Good morning,

    It has been a pleasure working with you on the conversion of your company’s retirement plan. We are now transitioning your plan to your ongoing Account Manager. I would like to take this opportunity to pass along their contact information.   

    (Account Manager) will be taking care of your company’s plan and will be your primary contact going forward.  Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact him/her. You can find additional resources available to your plan on the attached contacts list.

    (If testing is still outstanding) – Please note: we have not received your YYYY compliance testing. Please forward to your account manager as soon as possible. This information is important so that year end testing can be completed.

    Thank you,

    • Plan Handoff email to the account manager, TPA plan administrator, and Nana Adwowa Waters:
  • Good afternoon,

    I’ve prepared the attached handoff for this group. A copy is also saved in the client’s testing folder. A couple items to be aware of: (list any items)

    Thank you,

    Attach the below template in word (template in BlueStar Forms). List details in the notes section indicating which prior plan documents/which testing results have not been received.  Complete the full template, indicating N/A for fields that are not applicable. Note: for testing, please be sure to get the latest prior year testing and save in the folder. If the client did not send the testing after repeated attempts, please save the attempted emails in the testing folder so that the plan administration consultant can follow up. 


    Plan Name:






    Prior Plan Documents

    All received and posted in the client file under 'Prior Plan Documents' except: 




    Prior Testing Results

    All testing results with details have been collected and posted in the client file under 'Testing' except:

    • ADP/ACP
    • Top Heavy
    • 415 Annual Additions
    • 401(a)(4) if Cross Tested PS
    • 410(b) Coverage
    • 402(g)




    Addressed Fidelity Bond




    Status of Testing Failures




    Status of Top Heavy Funding




    Status of audit requirements




    Plan year end other than 12/31




    Plan Changes from prior:








    Employee Exclusions








    Testing Method




    Last Payroll to prior




    Status of historical payroll




    Status of YTD Trust Statements/Valuation




    Status of RMDs




    Status of Census Verification




    Current / Future expectations




    Special Notes





    Please note: If you do not want to receive distribution transaction emails once the conversion is complete, you can change the administrator to the account manager in Relius; see below.