IJoin Setup Procedures


  1.  PLanConnect Setup
    1. Web Settings (Company Adoption Plan Web Info) – do this for ALL ijoin plans
      1. IJoinInd = True
      2. TwoWay Synch = True (this ensures that contribution rates & beneficiaries and auto enroll info gets from Relius to PC and vice versa)
      3. GuideME = False
      4. MasteryPoint Sync = False
      5. Custom Branding
        1. iJoin 2023 (or variant of that)
        2. This ensures that the default coloring matches ijoin widget
    2. Loading up Takeover Data (contribution rates, beneficiary data, auto enroll)
      1. Be sure the steps above were done BEFORE loading up data
      2. Load date ONLY into PC
      3. Check Relius 15 min later to confirm that they synched over



  1. Plan is using Managed Accounts
    1. Set Managed Account Provider on Plan Web Info Page
    2. Note:  The name used here will be pulled in to MPC and Kits to describe who is providing managed account services (i.e. “Managed Accounts are provided by ______”
    3. To add additional Providers:
      1. Check with manager first
      2. PC/Database Wizard/Reference Table
      3. Filter Lookup Text for “ManagedAcctCd”
      4. Click add new record
        1. Add 3 digit code to identify provider
        2. Add Description that you want to display on MPC and Enrollment Kits

  1. Managed Account is QDIA
    1. Go to PC/Wizard/Plan/Plan Investment Policy
    2. Default Inv Determination:  Investment Management Service
    3. QDIA Type:   Investment Management Service
    4. QDIA Suite Name:
      1. We are currently supporting 2  
      2. iJoin Portfolio Methodology:  This is appropriate choice if advisor is selecting 5 funds and the managed account is using these 5 funds only to create the asset allocation for participant
      3. Leafhouse:   This is appropriate choice if managed account is using Leafhouse methodology



  1. Relius Setup
    1. Web Settings – all iJoin plans
      1. These steps are necessary for plans to synch to ijoin
        1. Nightly ijoin does a plan level synch and a participant level synch
        2. Plan level synch gets fund menu & plan specs
        3. Participant level synch pulls all participants, contribution rates, etc.
        4. When a participant SSOs to ijoin, the participant data synchs again in real time
      2. Go to Relius/VRU Web Setup
      3. Web Setup/Advice Education
      4. Click iJoin Integration



  1. Plan is Using Managed Accounts
    1. Note that this setup may change when we upgrade Relius to v 2023
    2. General Note:   Relius needs to know that the plan has managed accounts because we need to activate functionality to track the participant’s opt in and out status. iJoin will update this status in Relius and we will use this status to control functionality on MPC.  iJoin cannot send back opt ins and outs until we upgrade to Relius 2023.
    3. Relius/Plan Specs/Managed Account Services
      1. Managed Account Provider = iJoin
        1. This value is not specific to Leafhouse, GoalPath, etc.  
        2. If we are using iJoin to “manage” the managed accounts, select iJoin here
      2. Data go-live date:  Current Date
      3. Plan Go Live Date:  Current Date
      4. Decommission Date:  Leave Blank
      5. Provide Opt Out Period:  0 Days
      6. Update Participants:  DO NOT CHECK



  1. Managed Account is QDIA
    1. iJoin will send investment elections for participants who do not have investment elections if we tell iJoin that managed account is QDIA.  
      1. iJoin sends elections as soon as participant has an entry date (we have requested that they change logic to send as soon as participant is hired)
      2. The default investments in Relius will only determine how $ is invested if we get $ and iJoin has not sent elections
      3. For the iJoin 5 Port Method, the funds listed in Relius as the QDIA will get pulled in to plan notices and the QDIA to explain the QDIA
    2. Leafhouse Managed Accounts:  Setup cash account as QDIA
    3. iJoin 5 Portfolio Methodology:  Setup 5 funds/models that are part of managed account as QDIA (birth date setup as if they are TD funds)
    4. Be sure to carefully review QDIA notice to make sure QDIA looks appropriate


  1. NOTE:  When RElius is upgraded to 2023 – we will need to run a process to set everyone’s managed account status to Opted In.  Details will be provided once we have them.



  1. iJoin Setup
    1. Knowledge Base Articles:  iJoin Product Knowledge Base (helpscoutdocs.com)
    2. Login to Admin portal
      1. Administrator Portal:  https://advisor.ijoin401k.com/
      2. Username: ABRS-NewBusinessTeam OR BLUESTAR.ADMIN
      3. Password:   Am3rit@s
    3. Setup Advisor
      1. Check to see if Plan Advisor is setup in iJoin
      2. Click Settings icon on left navigation
      3. Click Users
      4. Click “Create New User” (as necessary)
      5. Currently we are setting up companies (not individuals)


  1. Setup Plan
    1. Login to Admin Portal
    2. Click on Plans icon in left navigation
    3. Click Add New plan

  1. Enter Plan Data
    1. External Plan ID:  Add Relius Plan ID
    2. Click Verify –
      1. iJoin will pull back data from Relius
      2. Review to make sure you have correct plan
    3. Select Primary Advisor from drop down menu
    4. Copy Following Plan:  Select from drop down as appropriate
      1. Copying from another plan relates to advisor questionnaires (which we are not currently using) – it does not copy all specs
    5. Leave defaults set as seen below
    6. Click “create plan”



  1. Managed Account Setup - General
    1. On the iJoin Administrator Portal, go to Settings/Managed Accounts
    2. General Notes
      1. The managed account provider setup are specific to the provider AND the fund selections AND the fees.  So if you have a single managed account provider, but their funds in their 5 portfolio managed account vary by plan, you need to set them up per plan.  If the provider’s funds are the same across plans, but we charge different fees, then we need different managed account provider setups  
      2. The naming conventions are going to be key.  
        1. If we are not varying by plan (i.e. fund list), then name should be Provider_BPS to indicate the fee schedule attached.
        2. If we are varying by plan, then the name should be Provider_PlanID to indicate specific plan (which also accommodates specific plan level fee schedule)
      3. Fees: We are setting up the fees at iJoin to be the Total fee charged vs separate fee schedules if Ameritas is getting some and the provider is getting some. As a result, the Payee will always be Ameritas
  2. Setup Managed Account Fees– do this first b/c you need fees to set up a “provider”
    1. Go to % Fees Page
    2. Check to make sure that the fee schedule amount exists. The fee schedule should reflect the total amount for managed accounts all providers are charging. We track the breakdown by provider in PC.  iJoin should only care about the total.
    3. If it doesn’t, click “Create Fee”
      1. Choose Name:   ManagedAccount_BPS
      2. Payee = Ameritas (always)
      3. Fee Type = Basis Points
      4. Fee Basis Calc Includes – do not check any of these options
      5. Click Save




  1. Setup New Managed Account Provider (if plan has managed accounts)
    1. Go to main Managed Account page
    2. Click “Create Provider”
    3. Provider Name:   ManagedAcctProvider_Planid (typically)
    4. Investment Methodology
      1. LeafHouse:   This methodology only applies to Leafhouse where they use the entire fund menu to create a portfolio for each participant
      2. iJoin 5 Portfolio: This methodology basically requires the 338 to select 5 funds or 5 models in the plan to create a managed account suite.  This data should be provided by the advisor in our managed account setup form
        1. Select add Funds and add the 5 funds/models selected by the 338
        2. Search funds from plan list to add
        3. Enter a Target Rate of Return if not already available
        4. Enter a Risk Description
        5. Enter a Details URL if a non standard fund
    5. Click “Assign Fee”
      1. Pick from the appropriate fee schedules setup above
    6. Fee Disclosure Message - this has to be manually typed or copied and pasted - "Your account will be automatically charged 0.22% in quarterly increments."  Fee must be in the format of 0.XX% to appear correctly on the web.
    7. Select “Complete Provider Setup and Enable for Use”




Fee Disclosure Example - fee must be formatted 0.XX%.


  1. Setup iJoin Plan Experience
    1. Click Plan Summary page and search for your plan
    2. Click on the plan name

  1. IMPORTANT:  Specifications
    1. Employee Contributions
      1. We don’t set up employee contributions in RElius so this will always be wrong
      2. You need to update for Plan
        1. PreTax/Roth
        2. $/%
      3. Click “Do not override these settings with data from RK system”
    2. Employer Contributions
      1. These pull from Relius
      2. Check that the plan specs are correct for matching & non elect
      3. If they are not correct, you can resynch the plan by click “Synch Now” on top right
    3. Do NOT setup forceout provisions

  1. Participants:   If the participants have not synched, click on “Actions” and then “Synch” from BlueStar
  2. Experience Setup
    1. iJoin Plan Use:   Select “On” for ACT, EXPLORE, and ENROLL
    2. Experience Type:
      1. Managed Account Recommendation:  If Managed Acct is QDIA
      2. iJoin Standard (Investment Paths):  This type allows you to select options available to participant
        1. Default Investment Path
        2. Managed Account Path – managed acct not QDIA
        3. Help Me Choose
        4. Choose Myself


  1. Investment Paths – iJoin Standard
    1. Default Investments – Yes
    2. Managed Account Path – Yes if Managed Acct available to plan
      1. Click Add to attach managed acct program you created in preceding steps
    3. Help Me Choose – We are not setting up currently
      1. This would never be turned on if plan has managed accounts
      2. If they don’t have managed accounts, this is a possibility but will require additional information from advisor
        1. List of funds
        2. Risk Scores for each fund tied to values from questionnaire
    4. Choose Myself – Yes


Managed Acct is QDIA:


  1. Notifications:  No changes should be necessary here

  1. Explore Modules:
    1. These are educational modules available on iJoin site
    2. Non GoalPath Setup

  1. GoalPath has a special setup


  1. Activation:   When setup is complete, click “Activate”



  1. IMPORTANT:  Setup Activity for Plans
    1. Click on Activity and then Task Scheduling
    2. Recurring Tasks
      1. Participant Synch
        1. All Plans
        2. Wednesday & Saturday at 4 am
      2. Plan Synch – Temporarily requires manual addition of plans
        1. Selected Plans
          1. This will ultimately be changed to All Plans
          2. Currently, set to Selected Plans b/c we the GoalPath models should not be available as individual funds.  This functionality is available in Relius 2023 but not currently. We are not synching goalpath plans until we upgrade
          3. ADD your plan to this Synch if not GoalPath plan
        2. Runs Daily at 3 AM
      3. IMPORTANT:  Identify new MAP Program Entrants
        1. Selected Plans
        2. If plan has managed accounts as QDIA – plan must be manually added to this activity process
        3. Runs Daily at 7 AM